Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It is the END of BEGINNING

It is the first day of Sept. I am no longer a UG student but a MPhil Physics student. Have I imagined what I am doing now when I was a freshman three years before? Properly not.

I have three fruitful years in UST. I become more curious to the world. I enjoy parties with Math guys. I love making new friends in classes and activities. The breeze from beaches on Jersey Island relieve my pressure.The experience in Cambodia trip gives me a new aim in my life. Surely there are some hard times for me. Overnight working become part of my life. The Fall Sem in Year Three was a disaster. Anyway, difficulties make me tough. Confusion towards my life leads me to the road for a value-seeking journey.

Now, it is not the end of the journey. It is just the END of BEGINNING of my journey.

(You may ask why I write in English. It just marks the start of a new period.)

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